HSC Routine 2024. New HSC Routine 2024 PDF Download link will update very soon. Higher Secondary Certificate Exam has been postponed due to the Coronavirus Pandemic. It is touchable kind of virus where we need to follow the social distance. If the exam will held in time we cannot make any social distance. Under those circumstances, the Ministry of Education decided that the examination will be suspended until further new announcement. This notice will be effective for all Education Board.
However, the Bangladesh Inter-Education Board Coordination Sub Committee, Dhaka published a circular regarding on the purpose of HSC Examination suspension. They also added that New HSC Exam Schedule will publish later. In before, on 4 March, Dhaka Education Board published a Revised HSC Exam Routine. But the pandemic was growing rapidly. Seeing the deterioration of the situation, the Bangladesh Inter-Education Board Coordination Sub Committee, Dhaka decided to close the examination.
Table of Contents
HSC Exam Routine 2024 New
Moreover, the HSC Exam Admit Card is not distributed yet. Without that Dhaka Education Board expected to distributed the Admit Card on 28 March but suspended. Which informed by the Exam Controller of Dhaka Board SM Amirul Islam to all the Principles of the Colleges under Dhaka Board. He also expect that rest of the Education Board will take same decision. One things confirm that this condition could great impact on the candidates. We suggests all the candidates it will best opportunity if you read and read your lesson again and again.
On the other hand, on 16 march the Education Board assures that the Head of the Center must collect Admit Card from head office. No one will not allow to collect it at any situation. If the officer in charge of the center is the acting principal of the organization concerned, the application form should have the signature of the governing body President, Deputy Commissioner, and Upazilla Executive Officer. If there is any mistake/low/ high, in the Admit Card, the Heads of the educational institutes should corrected the application form and submit in due time. Later on the application will be send to the Deputy Exam Registrar (Higher Secondary) time to time. In other words, the Heads of the respective educational institutes will be responsible for any complication in the examination.
When will Publish New HSC Routine 2024?
Actually, due to the Coronavirus Pandemic the world has been lockdown. Even, most of the country cancelled the 2019-20 academic session. For Example, USA (some states), Canada and Italy cancelled their all tests for the year and declared to prepare for the next. But never think our country will do same things. Whenever the situation will normal exam will begin as usual. So, don’t expect like others take your preparation.
Special Instructions for HSC Examinee
In other words, the authority threw some instruction for the examinee. The candidates must take a seat in the exam room 30 minutes before the start of the exam. At first, you have to answer MCQ and then Srijonshil.
In case of Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) exam you have given 30 minutes and for Creative Question (CQ) you will have given 2 hours 30 minutes. For practical test time is 25 minutes for 25 MCQ and for 50 number Srijonshil time is 2 hours 35 minutes. The examination will continue non-stop till the time given in the question paper. There will be no break between the exams of both MCQ and CQ.
In Case of Examination Which will Held from 10 O’clock in the Morning
- At 9:30 am unwritten Optical Mark Recognition (OMR) sheet and exact 10:00 am MCQ question distributed.
- Then at 10:30 am the Optical Mark Recognition (OMR) sheet collected and the Creative Question (CQ) distributed. But, the Multiple Choice Question answer sheet collected from 10:25. Because 25 minutes allotted for 25 marks MCQ.
The Examination Which will Start from 2 pm:
- At 1:30 pm the OMR sheet and strict 2 MCQ question will serve among the students.
- Afterwards, at 2:30 pm the OMR sheet picked and Srijonshil Question given to the candidates.
For the irregular examines 2016, the examination conducted in accordance with the Syllabus and Question Pattern of 2016. The exam should taken according to the time specified in the question paper. All the examiners must collect their admit card from the head of their respective institution.
Important Information for HSC Examine
Every examine will fill the OMR form circles with black colour ballpoint pen according to their Admit Card as – exam roll number, registration number, subject code etc. In the answer sheet never written in the margin or folded it at any other purpose. Each testes must passed theoretical, multiple choice and practical parts separately.
Candidate couldn’t participate in the exam only of any subject which isn’t listed in the registration card and admission card. No one given any subject of exam which isn’t listed in the Admit Card. No exams will held in their colleges/institutes, seats should arranged through transfer of examinations.
Each testee will able to use common scientific calculators in the exam. The is no permission to use the programming calculators. Nobody could use a mobile phone except the Officer in Charge of the exam center and no one can bring a mobile phone to the test center.
Never write anything in question paper for the purpose of exercise. If you do it, then will expel from this subject. Even, if there any unnecessary paper find to you then you exclude from the exam as well as hall. So, it will be better to reach in exam hall 45 minutes before start exam. It will give you a enough time to check your around. If any useless paper fall below the table you seat, clear it. All that end always pay attention in the exam hall.
Download HSC Routine 2024 PDF/Image
We know, most of the student can not download admit card own. As a result, they go the Computer Center/Cyber Cafe. To think of their condition, we will publish the exam schedule. Even for your convenience, we converted file in two format as – Portable Disk File (PDF) and Portable Network Graphics (PNG). You could download both format from your smartphone/computer. Now, follow the steps below to download the exam schedule from different devices.

For Smartphone User
In this option, you have to browse this link from your browser. When the page loaded, then tap your finger over the image still a new window will not come. When a new window will come please select the option ”Save image as”. Then save it to our memory where you want. For your convenience, we converted HSC Xm Rutin from PDF to PNG file. The file converted into high regulation HD Image format. For PDF format, just click the ”Download PDF” and save the file in your folder.
For Computer User
It is very easy to download Higher Secondary Certificate Examination Routine from PC. From a Computer or laptop, you just browse the link, then keep your mouse cursor over the image and click on the ”Right” button. Then, there you will see an option as ”Save image as…” then select your drive where you want to save it. On the other hand, for PDF file just click the ”Download PDF” button and save it on your computer.
In conclusion, we hope you could download the routine own. If you need further assistant then communicate with us on our Facebook Fan Page. If possible for us and stay free then we will help you as soon as possible. So, stay connected with us and get updates. Best of luck.
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